We're Vegans Now

An important part of this journey is embracing a new lifestyle with a new way of eating. We chose to become vegans and understand this lifestyle is not for everybody. We make no judgments against people with different views and ask the same in return. We're two people who love eating and as we undergo a transformation the food is a fundamental part of it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 4, A Measly 1 1/2 Pounds

As the weeks progress, 1 1/2 pounds per week will no doubt seem fine. However, Michelle and I chart our own progress on our home scale that is perfectly accurate (we tested it with 10 pound weights). WW's scale determined that I lost 1.4 and Michelle lost 1.6. We both tracked our weight throughout the week to be closer to a 2.5 loss. WW scale is wrong. I'd heard they had a similar problem in the past from another attendee. They have 2 scales and apparently the first scale weighs a person at about 2 more pounds than the second scale. Obviously we'll be using the second scale henceforth.

Being vegan is a mixed bag for me to date. I did end up catching a cold and felt sick through the weekend. In addition, while I have a lot less mucus and sinus stuffiness, I've been sneezing up a storm. Every titchy little thing aggravates my sinuses. The dusty dogs running in from outdoors are a major trigger. So is any household dust, the cats, strong perfumes, pollen, even the facial tissue fibers...I do hope this overreactiveness tapers off in the next month. I refuse to go back on medications. Maybe eliminating wheat is the next step? Eliminating soy? I hate to contemplate the additional dietary restrictions. Bleh. I may turn to eating certain lean meats. The only upside is that it's the least stuffy headed cold I've ever had.

Overall, both Michelle's and my energy levels are way up. A couple of weeks have passed without either of us feeling the need to collapse like flour sacks on the sofa when we get home at night. The weekday evening activities we enjoyed when we first moved into our new house back in early 2008 -- walking the dogs, puttering in the yard, the occasional happy hour with friends, skating or biking a few blocks, shopping/running errands -- are becoming totally doable again. Maybe not so much Michelle, but I spent the past couple of years declining to an abyssmally fatigued state where doing anything, even dishes, in the evening felt like a lead-limbed chore. And I was only good for 1 major activity each weekend because I'd need to spend the remainder of the weekend first resting up and then recovering. My aches and pains are definitely clearing away little by little. The most beautiful feeling is that physical exertion no longer leaves me aching and spent for the ensuing week. I feel just fine the next day.

Able to climb to the top of the haystack again!

The skateboarding is going great. My balance is good and I'm developing courage to travel at faster speeds. By fast I mean like 10 to 12 mph, not bombing 30 down a hill.

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