We're Vegans Now

An important part of this journey is embracing a new lifestyle with a new way of eating. We chose to become vegans and understand this lifestyle is not for everybody. We make no judgments against people with different views and ask the same in return. We're two people who love eating and as we undergo a transformation the food is a fundamental part of it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Week 3 = Grumpy, Very Grumpy

Sunday my allergies that showed such dramatic improvement during weeks one and two were back in full force. Could be the red wine, the sugar from the brownie, or it could be that my home is a fur factory of pets. Whatever the cause I spent all of Sunday and now into Monday sneezing, headachy, with stuffy sinuses. I do wonder if I have a mild cold. And then I feel complanatory that I may have a cold, thinking, "Well, I hadn't been sick for a year before I became a vegan." So, I guess we'll see how the next couple of days unfold.

Saturday's Weight Watchers meeting went fine. Up until I sat down for the meeting and listened to everyone else's stories about their weekly challenges I had been feeling gloomy about losing less than 3 pounds. I thought sure week 2 would be a solid 4 pound week. That serves to reinforce the importance of sticking around for the meetings. All it took was 1/2 an hour to completely alter my negative attitude and get the upcoming week off to a motivated start. The group leader, Sam, is charming and funny (and also, if you ask me, a smidge heavy for a WW leader), and the 10:00 am meeting attendees are a talkative, forthright bunch. Many of them share stories of riding the weight loss rollercoaster and finding themselves back at Weight Watchers after losing a hundred or more pounds, then gaining back 50, 60 or even all of the pounds lost. That's depressing in a way, the endless...well, failures. It's also inspiring in a way just because that sends 2 important messages: 1) get back on track before you throw away all your progress; 2) don't make this about the sacrifices you are making now. Instead make this about the lifestyle you intend to achieve.

Even after only 10 pounds riding the longboard is getting easier. My breathing is better. After a mile and a half I no longer finish off red-faced and exhausted. My legs still tire too easily, which causes my slide stops to get sloppier and sloppier as the ride progresses. I'm on track though, and riding that board feels so great it's the best fuel to keep my motivational fires lit.

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